FREE DELIVERY ON ALL BIKES excluding Riese & Muller (conditions apply) Call US NOW ON 0113 250 9755
If you don't see the bike you are looking for, please give us a call on 0113 250 9755
The perfect last minute road specific mudguard. Very effective and fast fitting, RearGuard simply attaches the saddle rails with a velcro strap. It takes only 30 seconds! RearGuard offers great protection for your rear without the bulk and messy look of more traditional road mudguards. Thanks to a custom thickness polypropylene, RearGuard is not flimsy, but also offers an excellent fit, unlike some guards available. The tough fitting strap will work with any post including aero posts.
FREE DELIVERY ON ALL BIKES excluding Riese & Muller (conditions apply) Call US NOW ON 0113 250 9755